Saturday, April 23, 2022

"What IS That Sound And Where Is It Coming From?"


Good Saturday Morning, all bodies.
S'been some pretty good weather, lately. The French Quarter Jazz Festival got lucky, for sure!
"Damn, what's that sound," I said to no one.
About a month or so ago, I borrowed a book from a friend that I started to read before we had to leave. It's not a great book and it is only about two hundred pages or so, but I'll be damned if I can stay focused on it.
I've always been amazed at my wife's ability to concentrate. When were first dating, I noticed that she did her college homework in the kitchen that had two or three brothers in and out looking for something to eat.
But, I can't be any where where there's the slightest bit of a distraction if I plan to understand one sentence from any book I am interested in reading. Guess that I've always been that way...
Wait... what's that noise?
Locked alone in my bedroom, I attempted to read my book. But, there was this low constant drone that I hadn't noticed before and I just couldn't continue to comprehend one page until I found out what the noise was and wearing it is coming from.
I found it somewhere between page 121 and 124. I don't remember a thing about those pages, but I found that what I was hearing was a timer that I had left on the lamp after we returned from our trip to California. I tried to ignore it, but could not.
It got disconnected!
I few nights later, after Therese went to bed, I sat down with a chardonnay that I had bruised with some ice cubes, and continued my perusal about why we draw. I think I got to, I don't know, page 126, when I heard a beep, beep, beep.
"What the hell is THAT?"
For the next twenty minutes, I attempted to ignore the sound. Beep, beep, beep. I finally got up to investigate our cell phones, and that wasn't it. I walked to the office. Surely, it must be the shedder or one of those battery back up systems that's supposed to protect one's computer from electrical spikes...
No, that wasn't it.
What IS that sound and where is it coming from?
I checked each and every room trying to determine the location.
Maybe it's those frogs that just love to croak at the moon this time of the night. Each species seems to have their own style. Beep, beep, beep!
The beep, beep, beep, seemed too insanely rhythmic and constant, but against my better judgement, I went outside anyway. We've got a frog or toad, can't tell which, that actually barks like a small dog. It sounds like a dog that trying to get someone's attention... Kind of a yelp!
I stood out there for a minute or two and still heard the beep, beep, beep. It obviously was not coming from my noisy amphibian friends.
I just knew that I'd never get another page read until I stopped the beep. By now, my glass of wine was more water than wine, so I moseyed over to the refrigerator to replenish my muse, and whad'dya know... there is was beeping loud and clear.
It was our new refrigerator telling me, all that time, that the freezer door was not completely shut. How thoughtful!
I shut the freezer door, put the wine glass in the sink, closed the book, turned the lights out and went to bed.
Sherlock Holmes got nothing on me... Ha!
Second cup!

Copyright 2022/Ben Bensen III

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