Friday, April 22, 2011

My Dad Loved to Dance...

Dad and my cousin, Patricia Fortier, hoofing it...
My Dad loved to dance. I once asked him, feeling that he and my mom were so incompatible when I was a teenager, what made them decide to spend their lives together. I never could understand what they had in common, except arguing. Well, truth be told, my mom was always the one yelling and carrying on. Nevertheless, his answer was, "Your mother is an excellent dancer and that is how we met!"

Three weeks ago, I took my mom over to a fancy party on the lakefront where she shared old times with "that old gang of mine" ( the TOGOMS social group ) and every woman who knew mom would pull me over to the side to tell me what a  GREAT COUPLE  they were!

"Oh, you mean, on the dance floor," I replied.

"Son, could your father ever cover the entire floor! I don't know how your mother could keep up with him!" "It is only because so many other ladies wanted to dance with him that your mother ever got a breather," one well kept octogenarian said. I was a bit taken back, when she asked me,"Do you dance?"

Well, here are some pictures from 1996 of my father enjoying a dance or two with my cousin, Patricia, who is a professional trainer and Zumba instructor. Dad and mom were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary at that time. Dad did dance often with mom, but I swear, I still don't know how the hell they made it that long together... I guess it must have been... all that dancing!

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